Trademark Protected Under Federal Law (15 U.S.C. ยง 1125(a))
Same-Day Registration on the Public Digital Register or Application with the USPTO
Option to Shield Contact Information on Public Digital Register
What sets us apart
Dedicated Account Manager
Unlike other companies where you’re just a number, with The Trademark Company you have a dedicated, knowledgeable Account Manager to answer all of your questions and guide your trademark through to registration.
We Make Legal Easy
Our systems make assembling even the most complex of legal documents quick and easy. Just answer a few simple questions and we’ll take care of the rest!
Affordable, Flat-Rate Services
And unlike services that charge by the hour and can cost an arm and a leg our flat-fee services have up front pricing to keep you within your legal budget.
Questions? We’ve got the answers
Call now to speak with a dedicated Account Manager today (800) 906-8626
All of our Account Managers are based in the United States and are ready to answer your questions.
Want us to reach out to you? Send us a note and we’ll reach out to you when you are available.