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Trademark Revival

Revive Your Trademark Before It's Lost Forever

File a Petition to Revive to get your trademark back on track to registration.

Questions? Contact Us or Call (800) 906-8626.

Just $199 plus gov. fees

Trademark Revival

Revive Your Trademark Before It's Lost Forever

File a Petition to Revive to get your trademark back on track to registration.

*Just $199 plus gov. fees

It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3


Answer a few questions regarding your trademark. Most customers complete these in about 4 – 5 minutes.


We’ll work with you to assemble your Petition to Revive and make sure it has all of the necessary responses to fix the underlying reason the trademark was abandoned.


We electronically file your completed documents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. It’s that easy!

Save Your Trademark

Clear Pricing. No Hidden Fees. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Petition to Revive

$199 plus gov. fees

Petition to Revive

$199 plus gov. fees

Trust Us to Revive Your Trademark

Created by a USPTO Attorney

Created by a former U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”) Attorney we’re experts in the federal trademark system.

Insider Information = Guaranteed Revival

With the USPTO’s heightened review of applications, now more than ever you need the assistance of an experienced company to make sure that your documents are filed properly.

Guidance through Every Step

Once your filing is ready, we’ll file it with the USPTO and give you status reports along the way. 

Have questions? We're here to help.

Give us a call at (800) 906-8626.