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Going Global? Protect Your Trademark Around the World.

Your trademark is your most valuable asset. Protect it in the countries in which you sell your goods and services.

Questions? Contact Us or Call (800) 906-8626
Just $499 plus gov. fees

Going Global? Protect Your Trademark Around the World.

Your trademark is your most valuable asset. Protect it in the countries in which you sell your goods and services.

Contact Us or Call (800) 906-8626 for a Free Consultation.

Just $499 plus gov. fees

What Our Customers Say About Us

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It's as Easy as 1 - 2 - 3


Pick the Countries

Check the countries in which you would like your trademark registered. 


Quick Assembly

We assemble your documents and get them on file with the right government agencies.


International Registration

You receive your international trademark registration(s). It’s that easy!

International Trademark Package

Clear pricing. No Hidden Fees. No Contracts.

$499 plus gov. fees

We’ve Registered Thousands of International Trademarks

Trusted by Thousands

We’ve helped thousands to register their global trademarks.

Lifetime Customer Support

Our support is here to assist you through every step in the global protection process.

Documents by Top Attorney

Our documents are created by a top attorney in the industry making sure that they comply with all legal requirements.

Still have questions? No problem. We have the answers.

An international trademark specialist is here to help.

As featured in